
Basic Settings

Essentials for your success in programmatic.

After pressing the Create New Campaign button, the Basic Settings tab will open.

Set the campaign name and fill in its settings.

  • Bid Price - Default Bid price for the Campaign;

  • Select Payment Model - CPM (cost per mile) or CPC (cost per click);

  • Select Auction Type - apply First and/or Second price auction types for this campaign. Both applied by default;

  • Flight Dates - timeframe of your Campaign;

📘Kindly note

The auction type predetermines whether the winning bidder pays the maximum bid (first-price auction) or the second-largest bid plus $0.1 (second-price auction).

Click the switchers near the Frequency Cap, Total Limits, and Daily Limits options to set the appropriate settings.

🚧Be careful

To ensure the correct work of the campaign, you can set only 1 limit simultaneously – Max Impressions limit or Max Spend limit.

  • Frequency Cap - ad view by a unique user per 24 hours and/or 30 days – the number of times a specific user sees ads in your campaign over a given time period;

  • Total Limits - the number of impressions (Max Impressions) or the amount of money (Max Spend) this Campaign can buy during its lifetime;

  • Daily Limits - the number of impressions (Max Impressions) or the amount of money (Max Spend) this Campaign can buy daily.

  • Estimated Click-To-Bid Rate (available only for the CPC payment model) - a metric used to estimate the likelihood that a bid request will result in a click on the ad.

The Estimated Click-To-Bid Rate formula (the approximate ratio of the number of clicks to the number of bids) is used for a limit reservation – the system automatically stops bidding in expectation of clicks until the set ratio is reached. It is imperative to understand that this formula is applied to prevent any unnecessary or unprofitable bids.

❗️Pay attention

Setting the Estimated Click-To-Bid Rate value as close to the real one as possible is critically important. Otherwise, bidding on the campaign will stop if the expected value is several times larger than the actual Click-To-Bid rate.

Press the Next button to move to the next campaign settings tab.

More from

Basic Settings

Essentials for your success in programmatic.

Advanced Targeting Options

This is the second tab of Campaign settings. You can set more advanced targeting options here than in the basic Targeting Options section.

Targeting Options

This is the second tab of Campaign settings. You can set the Campaign's targeting here.

Postback Settings

This is a mechanism that allows an advertiser or MMP to notify the DSP about the clicks and conversions.


This is the third tab of Campaign settings. You can set the Campaign's optimization settings here.

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